A Roman Catholic nun is to be made India’s first saint

A Roman Catholic nun is to be made India’s first saint
April 28, 2020 No Comments Saints,St. Alphonsa admin

Bharananganam – September 2008
1. Wide of Clarist Convent
2. Various of Sister Alphonsa’s statue
3. Tracking shot of visitors going into room where Sister Alphonsa lived
4. Signboard above the room entrance reading ‘ Bl. Alphonsa lived in this room from 1938-1946. On 28.7.1946 she died in this room’
5. Sister Alphonsa’s bed
6. Close of board reading ‘ The cot and sheet Bl. Alphonsa used. She died on this cot”
7. Wide of bed
8. Candle burning in front of Sister Alphonsa’s statue in the room where she lived
9. Various of Sister Alphonsa’s statue in a coffin kept inside the museum
10.Visitors looking at photographs
11.Pull out from Sister Alphonsa’s old photographs displayed in the museum
12.SOUNDBITE (English) Kiran Maria, devotee and former student of the Clarist Convent:
“She has been a very special saint. She hasn’t done any extraordinary deeds or something but she found her own way to salvation…through suffering. Like she accepted suffering with pleasure and she continued to dedicate all her sufferings for the cause of the poor or the cause of the sinners.”
13. Various of Sisters of Clarist Convent praying inside Sister Alphonsa’s room
14. Close shot Sister praying
15. Pan of Sisters praying with raised hands
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Sister Grace, Clarist Convent:
“I am very happy because I have seen her as a very simple Sister. Now she is coming as a very great person , very great Saint. When I compare these two conditions, I cannot express my emotions.”
Kudamalur – September 2008
17. Various of photographs of Sister Alphonsa’s funeral
18. Sister Alphonsa’s family seen in the picture taken at her funeral ; young girl in the picture is her first cousin Theramma
19. Close shot Theramma , now 73 years old
20. Close of Theramma’s hands
21. SOUNDBITE (Malayalam) Theramma, Sister Alphonsa’s cousin:
“There was something divine about her. Her face always had that enlightened look and whenever she talked, we would find it very difficult to tear away from her.”
22. Wide of Sister Alphonsa’s birthplace
23. Mid of statue outside the house
24. Tilt down of room where she was born
25. Close of bronze carving of her face
26. Wide of Sister Alphonsa’s picture in the house
27. Close of hands
28. SOUNDBITE (Malayalam) Lakshmikutty, Sister Alphonsa’s childhood friend:
“We had gone to collect blueberries. And just as we had climbed up the old plank, a naughty fellow called Joseph pushed me to one side and her to another. Where she fell was full of stones and gravel and she hurt herself quite badly. I picked up a brick to throw at him, but she would not let me.”
Bharananganam – September 2008
29. Wide of Sister Alphonsa’s shrine
30. Various of Sister Alphonsa’s picture at shrine
31. People at the entrance of shrine
32. Woman offering prayers at Sister Alphonsa’s tombstone
33.Close of young girl praying
34.Wide of children offering prayers at the shrine
35.Close of Sister Alphonsa’s tombstone
India will gain it’s first ever female Saint when a nun from Kerala is officially canonised by Pope Benedict XVI.
During her short life Sister Alphonsa Muttathupadathu exemplified saintly qualities by showing compassion and selfless service for the poor despite her own suffering and pain.
A Roman catholic nun from Kerala will become India’s first woman saint on October 12 after she is canonised by Pope Benedict XVI at a special mass at the Vatican.
Sister Alphonsa Muttathupadathu died in 1946 at the age of 36.
She was born on August 19, 1910, in Annakutty in Kudamalur, a village in Kottayam district in Kerala, to Joseph and Mary Muttathupadathu.
Sister Alphonsa was beatified in 1986 by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Kerala .

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About The Author
admin Hello, I am Mathew from Kochi. Contact me at:contact@reviewtrakr.com

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